Crying, Tamara Tyasmara Recalls The Last Moment Of Responding To Her Son
Tamara Tyasmara and Dante (Instagram @tamaratyasmara)

JAKARTA - Artist Tamara Tyasmara has just held a tahlilan on the third day of her only son's departure, Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo, who died from drowning on Saturday, January 27.

Tamara said that she would hold a tahlilan for 7 consecutive days until later on the 40th day of Dante's departure.

"Tonight I just finished the third tahlil, so I did the tahlill seven days in a row, until it was 40 days after that," explained Tamara Tyasmara in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 30.

At this moment, Tamara tried to tell the last moment she was with her son. He said that previously Dante wanted to come with him to the shooting location but in the end he was not invited to swim by one of his friends.

"Well, when he heard that he was really excited, that's why I wanted to take him to the location because he was already excited, 'you're sorry, 'but promise not this', 'oh yes yes', 'how much is the swimming?' Like that," said Tamara.

Seeing his son who was eager to swim, he finally took the time to take his son to the pool location. One of the moments he still remembers until he still made him cry was when he last fed his son.

"So I'll accompany you first, I bribe you first before swimming, I bribe you on the road, I will accompany you," said Tamara.

It is suspected that Dante died at the age of 6 because he drowned while swimming. However, Tamara explained that her son could swim because since he was 6 months old he had been participating in swimming lessons.

"You can, Dante can swim, Dante can also take a swimming course from a baby, from six months of Dante's swimming lessons," he concluded.

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