JAKARTA - Artist Adhisty Zara is trusted to play in a horror film directed by MD Pictures' production house titled Munkar. In this film, Zara plays as Ranum who is a smart and hafizah child.

In the Gala Premiere event, Safira Ratu Sofya, who co-star Zara, revealed an interesting experience during the shooting process. One of the interesting moments was when he and Zara were required to wear a hijab and be good at Koran.

"One of the interesting things is (paying salaries and wearing the hijab) because we also recite a lot of them, it says it must be true. I happened to be a pesantren in Aceh so thank God it's not bad," said Safira Ratu Sofya in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 29.

Unlike the Queen, who was once a student of the pesantren, Zara admitted that she did not go too smoothly to recite the Koran, but her role required her to run smoothly and speak melodiously.

"I'm not very smooth, that's how I got the role of Ranum, who is a hafizah, so I have to be melodious," said Zara.

Therefore, he said that he asked the Queen to teach him the Koran. In addition, Zara admits that she can recite the Koran because of this film.

"I learned from Ratu taught. I can because of this film and memorize some verses because of this film," said Adhisty Zara.

Ratu replied that she and Zara had just learned to recite the Koran on set. This is what they finally make to build chemistry with each other.

"On set, Zara is still learning, we are still reading, we are learning on set, right, we have a scene that reads and tajwids together, so we really study really. We bound it to recite the Koran, yes," concluded Ratu.

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