5 Tips For Eliminating Folding Dagu Or Double Chin Naturally
Illustration of tips for eliminating foldable chins or doublechins naturally (Freepic/8photo)

YOGYAKARTA Dagu multiplier or popularly known as doublechin removes the jawline. This no longer firm lower line of the face, may make it restless. The cassava is often associated with excess body fat. But for those of you who have normal body weight, it is very likely to have a fat pile on the chin. Apart from being caused by genetic factors, doublechin can also be caused by weakness of the neck muscle or platysma.

Multipliers can also be triggered by poor posture, swelling due to medical conditions, and obesity. While it is important to identify the causes of the appearance of doublechins, you don't need to stress. In addition to the importance of routine health checks to doctors, identify tips for losing a foldable chin or doublechin naturally below.

Dagu exercises are also known as facial yoga. Some experts recommend a number of movements. Including FaceGym founder Inge Theron, reported by Women's Health, Monday, January 29. Theron recommends routine chin exercises in the morning and evening. Each movement needs to be done ten times.

The first practice movement, called the thinker, was carried out by bending his hands and placing a chin on it as if he was feeling a burden. Meanwhile, the fist is like a boxing fist that opens and is closed for ten times.

The second exercise, called thechin press up, was carried out by making the letters V with both hands, then leaning the chin against the hands. Move your lips up and hold for 5 minutes. Repeat this movement 10 times. Next exercise, move your hands to both sides of the chin with a finger length covering your ears, and say the sound 'eeee' with your mouth 10 times.

Sha Cave is an ancient ritual, which is a great way to provide lymphatic massage. Launching InStyle, I sha can be done by sweeping tools up and outside the neck to maximize circulation. With soft massage, the skin will feel comfortable especially when swollen. This method also helps shape facial features and release tensions stored in the facial muscles.

Doctor Sophie Shotter said no single skincare product can handle doublechins. But there's nothing wrong with keeping the neck skin tight. It's important to know, neck skin is thinner and ages faster than the skin of other parts. That means keeping the neck skin tight, it can help the neck look maintained and the effect of fat pads don't drop too much.

A good diet can be a component of a comprehensive approach in reducing the appearance of double cats. Especially if the chin doubles due to weight gain and the result of excess fat buildup under the chin. Even though the diet alone is not effective enough to lose fat chins, it still contributes to your weight loss. Diet eating healthy, also needs to be accompanied by tips on eliminating doublechins naturally.

Exercise plays a role in reducing the foldable chin. However, it is important to do exercise with a suitable combination according to what is targeted. For example, if the double chip is due to excess weight, then the target is weight loss. In addition to regular exercise, it is important to balance by maintaining a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, and adequate rest. A combination that needs balance, namely by cardio sports that effectively loses weight and formation that plays a role in shaping muscle mass.

Those are the five tips for losing a foldable chin or double chip naturally. The method above, it needs to be done continuously. That is, getting a chin with a firm jaw without fat folding cannot be obtained overnight.

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