YOGYAKARTA prolonged stress causes an increase in the stress hormone that affects the brain area. This area is responsible for memory and focus. To prevent a decrease in memory when stress is prolonged, here are expert suggestions.

Psychologist and media adviser to the Hope for Depression Research Foundation, Pioneer Lira de la Rosa, suggests checking how stress affects the body. Do you feel headaches, stomach pain, or muscle tension. In addition, it is also important to identify how stress affects your mindset. For example, do you often find it difficult to focus, forget priority, or forget easily. Plus, stress can also affect emotional fatigue. Like often makes you feel sad, anxious, angry, or easily offended.

After identifying the effects of prolonged stress, start paying attention to how stress has an impact on your activities. That way, you can find out how to respond to stress and how to reduce stress.

The list of tasks that are most important, complete them first before others. Then complete less important tasks and are followed by completing tasks that are least important and the fastest or easy to complete. By dividing tasks into several parts according to priority and convenience, it will help you increase memory. Especially if your attention is easily disturbed or forgetful when completing tasks.

Self-care can help you feel fresh again. If you want, you can write down activities that can refresh and observe how you feel when involved in this activity. You also need to consider your free time, health, relationships with loved ones, careers, education, and community.

Taking care of your body is very important. Launching PsychCentral, Wednesday, January 24, consider inserting stress reliever food into your daily diet to help you manage stress levels.

'Make sure the nutrients are sufficiently consumed. This is how you support your body with adequate nutrition which is also useful for overall cognitive memory and function,' advises Valentina Dragomir, psychotherapist and founder of PsihoSensus.

When you feel burdened by stress, you may find it difficult to focus or think about other things. An effective way to reduce stress is to practice relaxation techniques, such as breathing training or meditation.

Relaxation techniques reduce the overall stress level. So, when you feel stressed, breathe. One of the most popular breathing exercises is taking a breath through your nose up to 4 counts, and breathing through your mouth up to 6 counts, said Dragomir.

It may be difficult to concentrate and remember things when you are tired and don't get enough REM sleep or sleep well enough.

Enough sleep will help increase your focus and memory. An average 8 hours of sleep per night is recommended for the best results," said Dragomir.

It's important to note that the relationship between stress and memory can be very complicated. Although light stress may be profitable for producing creative and productive works, too much stress can affect your memory. But stress management techniques can prevent a decrease in memory.

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