YOGYAKARTA Pulau Bali merupakan destinasi wisata internasional yang memiliki banyak reputa positif. Pulau ini tak hanya menawarkan berbagai pilihan wisata menarik, namun juga kebiasaan warga lokal yang turut membuat wisatawan nyaman dan nyaman tinggal di Pulau Dewata. Lantas, apa saja kebiasaan Balinese yang membuat turis tak ingin pergi cepat-cepat keri dari Bali? Come on, sikap informasi sepengisnya berikut ini.

Summarized from various sources, here are a row of Balinese habits that make tourists feel at home:

1. Friendly with tourists

Balinese people are famous for their friendly, warm and easy nature with tourists, both domestic and foreign.

Residents on the island will not hesitate to give tourists a warm smile, so they feel comfortable, comfortable and feel welcomed.

2. Slow living

The island of Bali offers a sensation of life that is free from the bustle of the outside world. No wonder many residents of the capital city choose Bali as a place of repression when they are bored with all their activities.

In the eyes of travelers, the island of Bali feels so calming. This is because its citizens adopt a more relaxed, simple, but meaningful lifestyle.

3. Balinese people are proficient in English

As an international tourist destination, Bali is visited by many tourists from various countries.

Well, so that local residents can communicate with foreign tourists, they also learn English which in fact is an international language.

With the concept of learning by doing, Balinese people can quickly adapt to the language of tourists.

4. Mengajung tinggi adat dan budaya

The Balinese people are famous for their strong culture and uphold customs. Although this area continues to be visited by tourists from various countries with their respective cultures and properties, the residents of the Island of the Gods are not simply swept away and forget their customs and culture.

Balinese people continue to uphold their customs and culture, such as the culture of marriage called pawiwahan, the culture of death with a ngageben ceremony, or the culture of cutting teeth which is said to be established by the village.

It is this Balinese custom and culture that makes the Island of the Gods feel so unique and makes foreign tourists feel at home. Because they will not find this culture in their area of origin.

5. Always provide empty rooms for overnight rides

If you don't get a hotel when you pack in Bali, try to be brave to ask permission at a Balinese house, especially in tourist areas. They will be happy to provide rides to stay goods a day or two.

This Balinese bias is in accordance with their original nature, namely Belog Polos which means inviting foreigners to enter without consideration.

6. Always protect nature

Residents of the Island of the Gods strongly believe in the concept of Karma Phala, which means what we are planting that we will reap.

Balinese people think that nature is not only an ancestral heritage that must be preserved, but also a sacred thing that must always be preserved.

7. Have many rituals

The life of the Balinese people is very attached to religious and social norms. This makes the Balinese population have a lot of unique rituals that make tourists or tourists amazed. One of them is the ritual of completion or shock. This ritual is carried out in the morning by way of serving food cooked at the sigah (pre-small) as a form of gratitude for the gift of the Almighty.

That's information about Balinese habits that make tourists comfortable. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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