JAKARTA - Artist Stefan William shared his busy schedule apart from filming. He admitted that recently he was involved in several sports such as basketball, badminton, and boxing.

"Olahhraga paling saya ya banyak olahraga yang kaya basket, badminton semuanya sikai, cuma yang paling (dikaii) ini boxing kali ya," ujar Stefan William di Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 18 Januari.

Not without reason, Celine Evangelista's ex-husband said that he wanted to increase his weight. Previously he had succeeded in increasing his body weight, unfortunately now he is starting to lose again because he is busy working.

"I want to increase weight because yesterday it was really big, now it's down again because it's really busy now I want to increase again. Target again," said Stefan William.

This 30-year-old man has a target of increasing his body weight to 7 kilograms.

"(The target is) 6 to 7 kilograms," he said.

Not because he is not confident in his body shape, this California-born man does feel that his body is too thin compared to before.

"Because I'm really thin, I'm still thin now so I just want to increase it," he concluded.

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