Not Without Reason, Feeling Tired After Eating Caused By These 5 Things
Illustration of the reason for feeling tired after eating (Freepik/Drazen Zigic)

YOGYAKARTA After eating, many people feel sleepy and the body is difficult to be productive in their activities. Not without reason, this can be caused by intolerance in certain foods. It could also be because the body sounds tired alarms. Well, experts explain the reason why the body feels tired after eating in the following explanation below.

The body needs energy to function properly. Not only for running or exercising in the gym. But to breathe and keep running the mechanism, the body also needs energy. To meet these energy needs, food is broken into fuel in the form of glucose by the digestive system. Macronutrients such as protein also provide calorie intake for the body. This means that the digestive cycle also triggers all kinds of responses in the body.

Hormones such as corlesistokine (CCK), gluukon, and amylin are released to increase saturation, blood sugar increases, and insulin are produced to allow this sugar to move from blood and then enter cells, where it is used for energy. Interestingly, there are also hormones that can cause drowsiness if their levels are found in the brain. One of these hormones is serotonin.

Other hormones that cause sleep, melatonin, are not released in response to eating. However, food can affect melatonin production. Although all foods are digested in the same way, not all foods affect your body in the same way. Some foods can make you sleepy more than other foods, such as high foods containing simple carbohydrates.

Foods that contain amino acid triptofans, such as spinach, soybeans, eggs, cheese, tofu, and fish. Triptofan is used by the body to make serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep. There is a possibility that increased serotonin production is responsible for the weak and sleepy body after eating.

In addition to eating foods containing triptofans, eating cherries also affects melatonin levels. Unlike carbohydrates that cause spikes or decreases in blood sugar, minerals in bananas also make the muscles relax. One of these factors can make you sleepy and a lot of food can affect energy levels in different ways.

Lack of sleep habits and poor sleep quality can also affect the body after eating. If you are relaxed and full, your body may feel like you want to rest. Especially if you were sleep deprived last night. Launching Healthline, Thursday, January 11, it is important to keep a regular sleep schedule, limit stress, and include exercise as part of your daily routine to get better sleep.

Lack of movement also affects how flexible accessing body energy deposits are. If you regularly exercise, this helps increase energy and reduce fatigue. In other words, not moving much does not create energy reserves that you can use at any time. Including after eating, if you feel tired, weak, and sleepy, try to keep moving or walking to refresh your body again.

Excited by fatigue after eating or being sleepy all the time can be a sign of health problems. This condition can be influenced by diabetes, food intolerance or food allergies, sleep apnea, anemia, less active thyroid, or celiac disease. If you are often tired and experience one of these conditions, talk to your doctor about the possibility of a solution. If you don't know the underlying medical condition, check with the doctor to help identify the cause.

Those are the five reasons why the body is tired after eating. In addition to paying attention to the symptoms, it is also important to sort out healthy foods and not high in sugar to prevent high blood sugar from rising or hyperglycemia.

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