JAKARTA - The production house MD Entertainment with Six Nine Productions will soon release their latest film entitled Ancika: Dia Yang Bersamaku 1995 pada 11 Januari mendatang.

This film itself is played by Indonesian actresses such as Zee JKT48, Arbani Yasiz, Daffa Wardhana, Ira Wibowo, Mathias Muchus, to Irgi Fahrezi and other players.

Although in general, this film tells about the journey of Ancika and Dilan's love, director Benni Setiawan still includes Milea in the 1995 film Ancika.

It has never been explained that Milea's new figure, finally opened up that the figure who replaced Vanesha Prescilla was Caitlin Halderman. During a press conference, Caitlin expressed her feelings when she was first invited as Milea.

Caitlin said that she was very nervous when offered the role of Milea because she felt that this role was very attached to Vanesha Prescilla.

"When I was offered to be Milea, it was a bit nervous, actually, because it was very Vanesha," said Caitlin Halderman in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 9.

But Caitlin remains confident in this role because she feels that the film Ancika 1995 is a new story from Dilan's story. In addition, Caitlin also wants to continue to try new things in her acting career.

"Just like Pak Manoj said this is a new universe and I will also try something new," he concluded.

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