JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed the enactment of Law Number 4 of 2024 concerning Maternal and Child Welfare in the First Phase of the Thousand Days of Life. Reporting from the Legal Documentation and Information Network page of the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3, the law facilitates post-born mothers' rights, the right to obtain husband assistance, and children's growth and development rights. The law, which was signed by Jokowi in Jakarta, July 2, 2024, contains a number of mothers' rights who are workers, one of which relates to the right to leave after giving birth for a maximum of six months. Article 4 paragraph 3 contains the minimum leave right of the first three months and the maximum of the following three months if the mother has special conditions, such as experiencing health problems, post-herbaligning complications, or children who are born with health problems. Pregnant women are also entitled to a break for 1.5 months from their job if they experience a miscarriage. The policy requires a certificate of doctors, obstetrics and gynecology doctors, or midwives. During this leave period, Article 5 paragraph 2 requires employers to fulfill the mother's wage rights in full for the first three months, one fourth month, and 75 percent of wages for the fifth month and sixth month. Article 6 contains the right of the husband to accompany his wife during the delivery period for two days and can be given no later than the following three days or in accordance with the agreement with the employer. Husbands also have the right to leave for two days to accompany their wives who have a miscarriage. In addition, husbands also have the right to be given sufficient time to accompany their wives or children on the grounds that their wives experience health problems, health problems, or complications after childbirth, children who are born with health problems, and wives or children who die in the process of childbirth. Children's rights in the law are regulated in Article 11, including obtaining identity and citizenship status, obtaining exclusive mother's milk for up to six months and continuing at the age of two years. This provision also guarantees the nutritional rights of children from birth to the age of two, obtaining nutritional health services in accordance with the development of physical and mental age and needs. Meanwhile, the duties and authorities of the Government are regulated in Article 13 in the form of allocation of funding sources for the welfare of mothers and children, ensuring the assistance of mothers with special vulnerabilities, including dealing with the law, being in correctional institutions, shelters, disaster situations and conflicts, as well as parents with disabilities or mental disorders, as well as people with HIV/AIDS. UU KIA merupakan inisiatif DPR yang diproses pada 30 Juni 2022 terdiri atas sembilan babak dan 46 pasal dalam upaya mendukung persiapan menuju Indonesia Emas 2045.
"This law will strengthen the implementation of policies and phase programs for the first thousand days of life, making it more synergistic and comprehensive," said Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga.

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