JAKARTA - The floods that hit Jakarta on February 19 affected all levels of society. Several celebrities also reported that they were affected by the flood. Dian Pelangi, Irish Bella, Anya Geraldine, Nino RAN, Atta Halilintar.

They showed the condition of their houses and the impact of the floods they had. There are those who evacuate, some are trapped on the top floor. Most of their posts are sad. However, these 3 celebrities responded to the flood in an unusual way.

1. Nicky Tirta

Nicky Tirta (Photo: IG @nickytirta)

The flood was deep enough in Nicky Tirta's house, the water level reached Nicky's calf. The actor who is now active as a chef is trying to enjoy the moment of being flooded this time. Through the photo he posted on Instagram, Nicky looks smiling, sitting sweetly with his feet submerged in muddy brown floodwater, holding a glass.

"Woohooww!! 20 years living here, only 2 times the house was flooded: January 1, 2020, & now. Just enjoy it .. while drinking coffee ..", he wrote quoted from @nickytirta, Saturday (20/2/2021).

2. Atta Halilintar

Atta Halilintar (Photo: IG @ attahalilintar)

Have you ever thought about fishing during a flood? That is what Atta Halilintar thought. The flood in Atta Halilintar's residence was not as high as in other areas. Outside of his house, the floodwater reached up to an adult's calf.

“Ok, for the first time, there is a water boom in Pondok Indah in front of my house. I want to go fishing... Stay safe, all friends", Atta posted on his verified Instagram account, Saturday (20/2/2021).

3. Gibran Marten

Gibran Marten (Photo: IG @gibranmarten)

Gibran Marten's house was also flooded. Gading Marten's brother does not seem to want to be too stressed about it. He even had time to take a photo with the pose of sipping a glass of hot tea, while someone wearing a raincoat on an inflatable boat tried to grab his hand.

"Short break. Wait a minute, bro, tea first. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade", He said while being in the middle of the flood.

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