JAKARTA - Lesti Kejora and her husband Rizky Billar again greeted the public with his latest work entitled Surrender. The song Surrender contains a meaningful message written by Rizky Billar and sung by Lesti Kejora with Uung Victoria Finky. Surrender was released on December 20, which is close to the commemoration of Mother's Day.
Lesti Kejora tells the story of the meaning behind this song being made.
"This song is very special for me. As a mother, I understand and really feel the fear of women who have to change their status to a mother. I am very happy and grateful that Mom Uung and my husband can support me in working on this work. Moreover, Mbak Uung Victoria also performed a duet together," he said, quoted Thursday, December 28.
Mom Uung with Lesti through the song Surrender, conveyed a message that all mothers are great, and all mothers have the ability to overcome all their challenges. Mom Uung and Lesti will be the frontline support system for new women in Indonesia for #JanjiGakNyerah.
"The point is never give up, because everything will be beautiful when we see our children grow up. It's not easy but it's going to be worth it," said Uung Victoria, Founder of Mom Uung.
Rizky Billar was actively involved in the process of writing song lyrics with pop melayu genres.
"On this collaboration with Mom Uung, we were both given the opportunity to share with fellow Indonesian great warrior women. My involvement here is simply because I also see the struggle of a new mother, nothing but her own wife, Lesti, who is going through the process," explained Rizky Billar.
Mom Uung is a Booster Breastfeeding brand and a product supporting breastfeeding mothers and children, who were born from Uung Victoria Finky's thoughts and concerns with her husband when she first had a baby.
"I was originally the same, a breast milk fighter. I had the same problem, such as dragging breast milk, irregular weight, uncontrollable emotions, and anxiety and worry about many things. Afraid to feel alone," said Uung Victoria Finky.
On the other hand, Lesti also said that she had felt anxious and worried that she would not be able to provide the best for the child.
"It takes a lot of support to want to be calmed down and strengthened. As a public figure known to many people, it doesn't make me simply not lonely. That feeling still exists," said Lesti.
The lyrics of the song Surrender is full of messages from a mother's struggle. Where are the problems like many mothers out there who become experiencing baby blues due to a lack of support from the nearest environment.
One of the lyrics, I just wanted to give up with a wound that I hold alone, trying to hold back all the pain that never happened. I believe that being able to go through everything until love replaces sorrow, and my sincerity becomes beautiful, for example, performed by Lesti with emotions that are full of sadness as well as the spirit of a mother.
Surrender is dedicated to all mothers in Indonesia, as a form of appreciation as much as possible on Mother's Day 2023. Lesti and Uung agreed, appreciation is not only addressed to our aging mothers, even on Mother's Day commemoration, new mothers who are struggling with their new experiences, also deserve appreciation and support from various parties.
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"My husband and I are very happy and really appreciate Mom Uung, with her commitment to always be present and support new breastfeeding mothers. There are no more words alone if you find it difficult with children's problems and breast milk. I hope that more women and mothers out there promise to keep fighting and don't give up," explained Lesti.
Mom Uung is ready to help mothers 24 hours through free services for great Indonesian women. In 2023, Mom Uung has reached more than one million new women with 24-hour free breastfeeding consulting services. This commitment will continue to be carried out and expanded by Mom Uung, with the aim that there will be no more new Indonesian mothers who feel alone and face the challenges alone.
"All new Indonesian mothers must always feel appreciated, appreciated, and encouraged again to continue to strive to become new mothers, which is not easy. Especially if we don't have a strong support system. Husbands have a vital role. The closest family, relatives, friends, should be a place to tell stories and complain," said Uung.
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