JAKARTA - Actress Putri Patricia was recently invited to fill out a podcast with Melaney Ricardo on her YouTube channel. On this occasion, Putri explained her views on marriage.

Even though she is 43 years old, Putri admits that she prefers to have a life partner compared to getting married.

"I want my life partner, yes, but if I'm married? We'll see later, the important thing is that I meet people who are friends first," said Putri Patricia, quoted by VOI from YouTube Melaney Ricardo, Wednesday, December 27.

This is because Putri saw that many of her friends were married because they were forced or even married but in the end ended up separated.

"Because sometimes, not sometimes, but now a lot of people are getting married, which they force to get married, which ends up separated too, what are you doing?" said Putri.

However, Princess Patricia undeniable that she had been approached by several men. He said that on average the figure of the man who approached him was older than him.

"Yes, the name is if it's a man, they're always trying. Yes, there are men who have a crush on me. I'm definitely above age," he concluded.

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