To Be Fun, Here's How To Enjoy Moments With Family And Close Relatives
Illustration of how to enjoy moments with family (Freepik/gpoinstudio)

YOGYAKARTA Year-end holidays are a meaningful moment and many families spend time with close relatives. For those who plan to gather with extended families, of course, they are worried about facing an awkward atmosphere, especially when there is a gap in age between the old and the young and the children. Well, to anticipate an awkward atmosphere, you can do how to enjoy moments with family and close relatives to make it fun like this.

Sometimes when gathering with family, someone is not fully present. For example, still bringing work during his vacation period so as to ignore the moment together a little. According to Caroline Maguire, M.Ed., author of Why Will No One Play With Me?: The Play Better Plan To Help Children of All Ages Make Friends and Thrive, make sure you are fully present. This is done so that the time spent together can be enjoyed and meaningful. Put down your device and work, and stay in the midst of the warmth of the family.

For example, by gathering in one room, this encourages the connection of each other to wake up. But instead of forcing the whole family to chat, Maguire suggests planning more direct activities. For example, because in a Christmas atmosphere, you can create activities to build a ginger bakery house. You can also discuss and plan together to create activities together.

Family gatherings can also be tense because there are many divisions around us, Maguire said. To overcome tensions and differences, Maguire's advice, as reported by the mggrelationship, Monday, December 25, is important to carry out family traditions. If you don't have a family tradition, you can start with it.

Stories about the past are the best part when meeting family and close relatives. Things in the story can not only be a lesson, but also a way to bridge the gap between the old and the young. It also opens up opportunities for each generation to interact in a meaningful way. Maguire's advice, parents should ask questions from a younger generation' point of view. For example, about favorite things, who are his friends, who are his idols, to what memories do you have about grandmother or grandfather.

Happy moments can wake up by walking along the memory path. You can travel with your family with your old photos or documentation. Or you can also stay at home but open up old photo albums and tell stories in them. This moment will be very valuable and build warmth with big family.

In addition to how to enjoy moments with family and close relatives described above, do your family have other tips?

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