JAKARTA - The mood of environmental observers in Natuna Regency, Riau Islands, in the third week of November 2024, was filled with anxiety. The news about the plan to move Natuna endemic animals, namelykah (Trachypithecus cristatus) Natuna, came out of the area.

Efforts to refuse were also carried out by environmental observers, either through a direct meeting with the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) team who were present in Natuna and assigned to bring kekah keluar, or by expressing opinions and requests to the government for the plan to be canceled.

Environmental observer and lover ofkah Natuna stated that Natuna is an endemic animal that should not be moved out of Natuna for any reason. Because, it will threaten the survival of these animals, given the difficulty of adapting to a new environment. This has happened before when they were brought illegally by irresponsible persons.

Selain itu, kekah Natuna merupakan salah satu potensi ekonomi daerah yang dapat menarik wisatawan jika dikelola dengan baik. Kehilangan satwa ini tentu akan merugikan daerah, mengingat nilai unik yang dimiliki oleh kekah Natuna dalam menarik perhatian pengunjungan.

Kekah or Owa or Lutung are typical animals from the Riau Islands, including Natuna. They are included in the Cercopithecidae family and the Trachypithecus genus. These animals have the characteristics of brown gray hair, weighing 5-7 kg, ranging in length from 40-60 centimeters, long tails and eating fruits, leaves, and insects.

Kekah is protected by law because it is threatened with extinction which is suspected to be due to several reasons, namely poaching, habitat damage and wildlife trafficking.

Responding to the turmoil, the Natuna Regency Government took the initiative to bring together stakeholders in the region, including environmental observers with BBKSDA, to discuss together.

The meeting which took place on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, finally resulted in an agreement. Even with a heavy heart, environmental observers accepted the decision to move Natuna after listening to an explanation from the BBKSDA team regarding the purpose of the transfer, namely for the rehabilitation of animals to keep the endemic animals from becoming extinct and the Natuna Regency Government's promise to pay special attention to Natuna's marriage in 2025.

Rehabilitation for the sake of prosperity

This rehabilitation program is part of the central government's policy. The goal is to ensure Natuna's welfare and support efforts to conserve endangered or injured species.

According to the Head of the Conservation Section for Region II Batam, Riau BBKSDA Tommy Steven Sinambela, the rehabilitation of Natuna will be carried out at the Taman Safari Prigen Conservation Institute in Pasuruan, East Java. The selection of this place is based on the fact that the Riau Islands do not yet have adequate facilities for wildlife rehabilitation. This rehabilitation program is also part of a controlled breeding effort for protected endemic species.

Apart from Natuna's success, this rehabilitation program also includes other species in several regions in Indonesia. The animals chosen for rehabilitation include the simakobu, bokoi, joja or lutung Mentawai, anoa Buton, ivory hornbill, small yellow-crested cockatoo, Togean deer pig, Kangean murai bird, fragrant glasses, and the Enggano parrot.

The plan is for the number of Natuna to be rehabilitated as many as five. However, on the day of the transfer only four could be carried. The cancellation of the transfer of one tail of Natuna was caused by death due to illness. The five Natuna actually were not taken from the wild, but rather the results of controlling the maintenance of protected wildlife illegally.

When taken, it can be seen that the behavior of the five families has changed. This is thought to be due to maintenance that does not meet the standards, both in terms of the place and the food provided. This allegation is even stronger when one of the heads falls ill and cannot be saved, which ultimately fails to be rehabilitated.

Reporting from ANTARA, this incident left deep wounds for the BBKSDA team, and disappointment was clearly seen in their faces. Natuna's death illustrates the low level of public concern for endemic animals.

However, the BBKSDA team did not get involved in sadness or find out who was wrong. They continue to try to find the best solution, one of which is by planning to collaborate with the Natuna Regency Government in 2025, so that similar incidents do not happen again.

In Natuna, there are already several communities that care about Natuna, one of which is "Prosperous". The Natuna Regency Government and BBKSDA plan to collaborate to preserve Natuna's marriage according to the agreement made at the meeting on Wednesday (20/11/2024) at the Natuna Regent's Office led by Regional Secretary Boy Wijanarko.

Environmental conservation

The Natuna Regency Government (Pemkab), local stakeholders, communities, and communities have made efforts in accordance with their respective abilities to support the conservation of success.

The Natuna Regency Government, through the Environment Agency (DLH), is active in carrying out various initiatives, such as planting, maintenance, and maintenance of trees, coral reefs, appeals and other environmental conservation activities.

Similar efforts were also made by stakeholders, including the TNI, Polri, Bakamla, and Basarnas. Especially for the TNI, both the Air Force (AU) and the Navy (AL), which have mangrove conservation programs. AU collaborates with the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) to manage conservation areas, while the Navy cooperates with students in conservation activities.

In addition, Basarnas and Bakamla also work with local communities to grow coral reefs in tourist sites. Such programs are also carried out independently by communities in Natuna, such as the Natuna Bahari Explore (JBN).

JBN specifically focuses on planting, maintenance, and protecting coral reefs. Their activities are mainly directed at areas whose coral reefs are damaged by natural disasters and irresponsible actions from humans.

Various elements of the government and society in Natuna continue to strive to maintain conservation in the area. The hope is that the environment and the living things in it remain sustainable, avoiding extinction.

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