JAKARTA - Irish Bella had said that her choice to sue for divorce from her husband, Ammar Zoni, was not an easy decision for her to make. It took him half a year to finally be sure to divorce. "Regarding the ongoing divorce, I understand very well that many parties regret my decision, but this is me running it and I really believe this is God's instructions. This decision is not easy for me, it is very difficult to be honest, it is very difficult," said Irish Bella in the Cinere area, Depok, Monday, December 18. He also added that he had made many efforts to get the best solution from his household problems with Ammar Zoni. "This decision is not a rash thing, making this decision takes months," he continued. "Half a year more or less, I consider everything, consider the consequences, I take it to my prayer, I take it to night prayers, consult here and there then ask my teachers," said Irish. Even so, on the same occasion as Irish Bella's attorney, Nurul Amalia said that before filing for divorce, Irish Bella had communicated with Ammar regarding his decision.
"Indeed, before filing a lawsuit, there was communication with their husband and family regarding this divorce," explained Nurul Amalia. Therefore, he confirmed that Irish Bella's talk about this divorce decision was not an easy decision and took quite a long time. "This is not done suddenly because this is done through good communication by her husband, it has been thought of for a long time," he concluded.

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