Child's First Handling Is Seizure Due To Fever, Recognize Symptoms And Prevention
Illustration of Fever (Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA Parents must know how the first treatment of children with seizures caused by fever. This condition begins with certain symptoms related to health.

The shock caused by fever is called febrile seizing. The fever is triggered by fever in children aged 6 months to 5 years. The cause of the seizure itself is not known for sure, but it is associated with the rapid increase in body temperature above normal plus the ability of children to adapt to this condition.

Quoted from AI Care, children aged children who have had a history of seizures are likely to experience the same thing when they have a fever, especially if the child is still under 15 months old with the highest peak of 17 to 23 months.

If a child has a fever, it occurs under the age of 6 months or over 5 years, there is a possible cause of neuroinfection.

When a child has a fever, parents can take action independently so they don't need to be taken to a doctor. The duration of fever dengue itself usually only occurs in 1 to 2 minutes. There are a number of things that can be done, namely as follows.

The shock experienced by children when they have a fever can usually be seen, but some have a disguised form of seizure. Recognize the symptoms of seizures caused by a child's fever.

Although child seizures during fever often occur, there are several conditions that trigger this condition, namely as follows.

Parents are also advised to read information related to first aid when their child has a fever to know how to act.

That's information related to the first handling of children with seizures due to fever. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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