Asked By Iwan Fals To Referr, Natasha Rizky Reveals The Condition Of Relations With Desta After Divorce
Natasha Rizky with Desta and her three children (Instagram @desta80s)

JAKARTA - The name Deddy Mahendra Desta alias Desta was widely discussed after being insinuated by singer Iwan Fals regarding his return to his ex-wife, Natasha Rizky.

Seeing this, Natasha Rizky, who recently told about her book, tried to respond to it.

Chaca, her nickname, could only ask for prayers for the smooth relationship with Desta even though she was officially divorced.

"Yes, basically whatever it is, I really know the ending. Anyway, whatever it is, whether it's from a Podcast, TikTok, all kinds of things, just pray for the best, so whatever it is, I don't know what to tell the truth. But the main thing is that it's fine, just pray," said Natasha Rizky in the Palmerah area, West Jakarta, Tuesday, December 7.

Even though he was divorced, Chaca said that the relationship between Desta and Desta was still well established for the sake of their three children.

However, when asked about the possibility of returning together, Chaca admitted that she could not answer anything, therefore she could only ask for prayers.

"The main communication is that Desta and I are still good for sure, because of the children. But when asked about the possibilities, I also don't know, so just pray for whatever is best," he concluded.

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