Praised By Ganteng By Warganet, Take A Peek At 7 Aming Portraits Wearing Black Beskap
Illustration of Aming's portrait wearing black beskap and clothes is praised handsomely by netizens (Instagram/@amingisback)

YOGYAKARTA Has the birth name Supriatna Sugandhi, Aming is known as a uniquely dressed actor and comedian. The 9th child of 17 siblings, once played a ticket buyer in the film Promise Joni. Not to mention the sketch show of the Extravaganza comedy, whose appearance was considered entertaining and funny. In his portrait upload, Aming was present at the wedding of Bunga Citra Lestari and Tiko. At the event, Aming wore a black beskap.

"Sumpah demi apa. Aming tampir bgt', tulis salah satu warganet. Aming baru-baru ini lebih sering mengunggah cara sekalinya yang mengenakan katu panjang dan berwarna pakaian bermos.

Aming gave a confession, he wrote Feelin regal and majestic. Beskap is a traditional dress that is currently modified so that it looks more modern. A number of elements are left according to tradition, such as krah pieces, round buttons, and are used as outers with contrasted color interiors.

It seems that Aming is wearing a beskap not a set of pants. The pants are line-motive, although they are still both black. The Bros. looks striking because the color contrasts to the color of the dress. Bros a pair of gold is attached to the chest.

Black glasses protect the eyes from sun exposure. Aming's footwear, the color is the same as his beskap and cloth trousers.

You can see the mustache and beard on your chin decorating your face. Not a few netizens praised Aming as cool, handsome, handsome, and matching. One netizen wrote the comment 'Angrat sekale'.

The above portrait shows Aming combining his tops and black pants. He completed his appearance using accessories, golden brooch. Two broochs a pair, one affixed to the top button at the bottom of the neck.

Posing against the pillow, Aming's portrait above stole the focus of netizens. Aming's masculine appearance as well as a mustache and unshaving beard. Netizens joked with his comment response, he wrote, "I haven't eaten yet for sure".

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