JAKARTA - To pay tribute to Bali's cultural heritage through craftsmanship, scent, fashion and cultural celebrities, Apurva Kempinski Bali paid tribute to Bali's artistic heritage and cultural flexibility through the 2023 Indonesian Powerful Campaign.

A series of events will be held in December 1st December 2023 to 31 January 2024, this resort will hold the exhibition The Faces of Indonesia: Singapadu Bali in collaboration with the Singapadu Artists Association, represented by Cokorda Alit Artawan. The celebration continued with Sekala Niskala Fashion Show by Franksland on December 16, 2023, highlighting the fashion and aroma of Bali.

After closing the Indonesian painting exhibition: The Land of Art, this resort continues to celebrate Indonesia's visual arts through a mask exhibition, The Faces of Indonesia: Singapadu Bali. In collaboration with the Singapadu Artists Association led by Cokorda Alit Artawan, this exhibition aims to preserve the legacy of Singapadu mask art and encourage the regeneration of Singapadu artists. Twelve masks by Cokorda Alit Artawan were exhibited featuring Singapadu 'Barong' and 'Rangda' masks, explained Vincent Guironnet as General Manager of The Apurva Kempinski Bali in a virtual press conference, Friday 1 December.

Thanks Siagian as Director of Marketing of The Apurva Kempinski Bali explained that there are several pillars that want to be highlighted in collaboration this time.

"In The faces of Indonesia this time we want to present Balinese culture and traditions, because from the beginning of the year we have displayed various cultural diversity of regions - regions in Indonesia, this year is Part of Craftsmanship the Powerful collaboration through a mask exhibition that we will hold with Cokorda Alit Artawan as well as collaboration with Franklin Firdaus which will feature a unique collection of new perfumes inspired by Bali which include Balinese culture and traditions in the manufacturing process," he said.

Historically, masks have been carved using banana stems solely for religious ritual purposes. Over the years, the Singapadu mask has evolved from its traditional characteristics to a more expressive form that blends perfectly with dance performances for entertainment in addition to its original purpose. The ability to instill the artist's soul and emotions into each mask during the carving process makes Singapadu masks different from those made in other areas in Bali.

As the 10th generation of masking in his family, Cokorda Alit Artawan is a prominent figure in the art and handicraft world from Singapadu Bali. "My love for mask crafts has been burning since his youth, which was fostered through the guidance of my uncle and especially my grandfather, Tjokorda Oka Tuble, who is also known as Ida Dwagung Singapadu," he said.

Three decades ago, Cokorda Alit Artawan began his art journey with a dance art that gradually developed into the design and carving of a mask. In 2000, he began to attract spectators in Indonesia, Australia, Japan, Dubai and France through various leading exhibitions. Currently, his mask, which is a manifestation of the evolution of the Singapadu mask, which combines traditions with contemporary expressions, is available to be admired at the resort Hall lobby until January 31, 2024. The celebration of Bali continues as the resort hosts Sekala Niskala Fashion Show by Franksland.

Franklin Firdaus, the visionary behind the Franksland Indonesia brand, explained that the newest collection this time is Sekala Niskala or Seen and Unseen, adapted based on the way Balinese people live in maintaining harmony to achieve prosperity.

"Taking inspiration from the abundant wealth of Balinese culture, nature, and resources, the newly made collection of 'Series of Niskala' Franklin perfumes using the original ingredients of the island," he explained. Clothing show on December 16, 2023 at The Apurva Kempinski Bali marked a grand demonstration of Franksland's 'Series of Niskala' collection, which summarizes the essence of Balinese spiritual harmony and culture through a stunning fashion display," he explained.

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