The Importance Of Folate Acid For Pregnant Women Complete With Benefits And Tips For Meeting It
Illustration of pregnant women (Freepik-Yanalya)

YOGYAKARTA Candidates for mothers and future fathers must know the importance of folic acid for pregnant women. This knowledge is important as a provision of parenting before undergoing a pregnancy program.

In general, folic acid is a type of vitamin B that is important for health. Naturally, folic acid is found in some foods such as dried beans, peat, oranges, or wheat product foods.

It should be noted that folic acid is very important for pregnant women because the benefits not only affect pregnant women but the fetus. Because of the importance of folic acid, doctors will give these vitamins to pregnant women and must be drunk every day.

Quoted from AI Care, the need for folic acid is also needed for pregnant women or not pregnant. When pregnant, women need about 200 micrograms of folic acid per day. Meanwhile, when pregnant, the recommended number of folic acids is 400 micrograms.

In the first trimester, the same dose of folic acid needed increased in the second trimester to 9 months of pregnancy with a dose of 600 micrograms. Then when the mother gives birth and breastfeeding the need for a dose of 600 micrograms of folic acid.

There are many benefits of folic acid needed by pregnant women so that obstetricians often provide this vitamin. Some of the benefits are as follows.

Folate acid is useful for maximizing the formation of placentas or ari-ari in the womb. The placenta is a growing layer in the uterus. These organs only appear during pregnancy. One of the functions of the placenta itself is to help drain nutrients and oxygen into the fetus. Folate acid helps the formation of the placenta well.

Another benefit of folic acid in pregnant women is to prevent the risk of preeclampsia, namely complications in mothers who are pregnant. This combination is characterized by the blood pressure of mothers who continue to rise and the occurrence of excess protein in urine. It is not yet known exactly what triggers preeclampsia but folic acids help reduce these risks.

Pregnant women must eat high nutritious foods including folic acid to help produce red blood cells. With folic acid, pregnant women can avoid anemia which triggers premature birth, birth of low-body babies, and bleeding during childbirth.

Possible fetal health disorders are defects in nerve tubes such as aensefali and spina bifida. Agensefali itself is an abnormality that occurs in the baby in the absence of part of the brain and skull bones. This condition is quite dangerous that triggers death in the baby.

While the spina bifida is a condition characterized by an abnormality in the spinal cord. This condition triggers complications in the baby.

Fetus has the potential to have a congenital heart disease if pregnant women lack folic acid. To minimize the risk, it is recommended to consume folic acid every day.

Although obstetricians will provide supplements to add folic acid, sometimes pregnant women have difficulty taking these supplements every day. Pregnant women are advised to be diligent in consuming high nutritional foods, including those containing folic acid. Tips to meet the need for folic acid in pregnant women are to eat several foods as follows.

That's information regarding the importance of folic acid for pregnant women. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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