JAKARTA - Christmas is only a matter of weeks away, all people are preparing to welcome this most anticipated moment. One of them is Sandra Dewi who is already planning to celebrate Christmas in a different atmosphere.

On one occasion, Sandra Dewi said that she would bring her family to feel Christmas in Uncle Sam's country, aka the United States.

"Usually I Christmas in Jakarta, this year I go to the US Christmas. Usually, I only try mass here in America once. Because in Europe I have," said Sandra Dewi in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Friday, December 1.

According to Sandra Dewi this year, it is the right time to bring her two sons, Raphael Moeis and Mikhael Moeis on vacation to America. Because Sandra feels her two sons are old enough to experience long-distance flights.

"Incidentally, the children are 4 and 5 years old, they have already held a long flight. Or hold on, hopefully," he continued.

The moment of departure to the United States turned out not only to celebrate Christmas, this 40-year-old woman also plans to celebrate her son Raphael's birthday. Therefore Sandra Dewi and her family plan to stay for one month there.

"A month. My son's birthday is December 31, so every year it actually celebrates his birthday," said Sandra Dewi.

It is planned that Harvey Moeis' wife will take her children to a location where her many games are like Disneyland to Universal Studio.

"At the LA, Las Vegas, we actually choose children's playgrounds like Disneyland, Universal Studio, because my children want to Starwars, Marvel, Mario," he concluded.

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