JAKARTA - Actress Kiki Fatmala today, Saturday, December 2, has finally been buried at her final resting place at San Diego Hills Memorial Park after being declared dead on Friday, December 1.

On one occasion, Kiki Fatmala's husband, Christopher Herbaldt tried to tell his wife's last condition before taking her last breath.

Christopher said that five weeks earlier Kiki's condition had indeed started to decline to one week before she died, Kiki was in a coma.

"Five weeks back he was down, and this week he went into a coma," said Christopher Herbaldt at Siloam Funeral Home Semanggi, South Jakarta, Friday, December 1.

During the decline in this condition, Christopher and Kiki Fatmala agreed not to undergo treatment at the hospital, they chose to do treatment at home.

"He doesn't want to be hospitalized anymore, and we make the decision not to be treated at the hospital and to be treated at home until finally," Christopher continued.

Before exhaling his last breath, Christopher said that Kiki Fatmala had left a will for him.

Kiki said she didn't want to be sent a bouquet of flowers when she left for good.

Kiki explained that she wanted the wreath to be replaced with donations for people who were church or people who needed it more.

"Kiki doesn't want to (get a bouquet of flowers). Kiki wants it to be better (the money) donated to the church or those in need," concluded Christopher.

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