Having Many Achievements, This Is Prilly Latuconsina's Special Prayer To Achieve Success
Prilly Latuconsina (Instagram/@prillyatuconsina96)

JAKARTA - Actress Prilly Latuconsina is known to have a myriad of achievements in the field of film. Recently, Prilly just won the 2023 FFI Citra Cup as Best Female Supporting Actor from the film Budi Pekerti.

On one occasion, Prilly said that she could do this because she applied the principle of 'Work Hard, Play Hard' in her work life.

"Yes, I always say work hard but play hard too. So work hard to make efforts, but don't forget to pray too," said Prilly Latuconsina in the Senayan area, South Jakarta, Saturday, November 24.

Not only that, Prilly also has a special prayer which is referred to as a verse of 1000 dinars. He explained that he always do this prayer every time he prays and it turns out to be effective for him.

"That was yesterday my artist made up, he said, how come you have a thousand dinars in your face. Then I said yes at one of the events. I shared when the prayer was finished or every day I always pray," said Prilly.

"It is necessary to carry out the sustenance but it is effective, please try to get the reward," he continued.

The woman who was born in 1996 said she had been praying for this prayer since 2015 where she accidentally saw one of the interview sessions of successful people who applied the prayer until she finally tried to follow.

"That's since 2015, so I saw an interview of successful people too, he applied it, so I memorized it," he explained.

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