JAKARTA - Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni are scheduled to attend the summons hearing today, Thursday, November 23 at the Depok Religious Court. Unfortunately only Irish Bella was present at the summons hearing.

Irish Bella was seen present at the Depok Religious Court wearing all-white clothes accompanied by her attorney, Nurul Amalia. Irish Bella was present at the Depok Religious Court at 10.00 WIB.

It didn't take long, at 10:21 WIB, Irish Bella and her attorney had left the courtroom for the car. Ibel, his nickname again did not say a word.

On another occasion, Irish Bella's attorney, Nurul Amalia, explained that today's trial agenda is only limited to summoning a trial that has not been included in mediation.

"Yes, this is the second call, it will take a while. This is the second trial still being summoned. Not yet mediated, not yet," said Nurul Amalia at the Depok Religious Court, Thursday, November 23.

Nurul said that Ammar Zoni's party was not present at the second summons this time. Therefore, the mediation trial was again postponed until next week.

"(Ammar Zoni) Not present, not present," continued Nurul Amalia.

"Yes, the next trial will not be next Thursday," said Nurul.

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