YOGYAKARTA Have you heard the term centenarian? The term generally refers to someone who has lived for more than 100 years with health maintained. To find out what is the centenial of the following article.

Quoted from the Detroit Driven Data site, the centenrian is defined as someone who is over 100 years old. This understanding of course refers to the meaning of the word centenarian in general. The same thing is also said in the dictionary, that the centenrian is defined as someone whose age has reached 100 years.

Until now, it is not certain what factors cause a person to live for 100 years and fall into the centenarian category. However, the presence of centenrians is spread across various countries.

Apart from being unpredictable, the percentage of centenarian gender is also unpredictable. However, on the static site, it is stated that women who can live longer than men trigger the number of women aged 100 years will be more numerous than men of the same age.

It is estimated that in 2100 there will be approximately 15 million centenarian women compared to men, which only amount to 6 million.

Quoted from Antara, October 31, the Chinese research team managed to find a microbiome in the centenarian intestine that resembles a microbiome in the intestines of young adults. The existence of the microbiome can be a centenarian secret.

In the study, researchers from Lanzhou University and Guangxi Academy of Sciences studied gut microbiomes taken from 1,575 people aged 20 to 117 years, including 297 people aged 100 years and over. Participants themselves are residents of Guangxi, China, known as the Old Town of Age because they have many centenarians.

In the study, participants were divided into five age groups ranging from young, middle-aged, old adults, non-agnarian or 90-99 years old, and centenariant adults.

as a result, in a study published in the journal Nature Aging, it was stated that the characteristics of the gut microbiome found in the centenrian have a microbiome structure similar to that of a microbiome in the intestines of young adults. Microbiomes in the centenarian and young adults are both dominated by Bacteroides spp.

The researchers also questioned how microbiomes help centenarians survive chronic diseases related to aging.

Although it is not yet known exactly how to become a centenarian, many tips are circulating in various media, either given a centenarian or the result of research. Some tips that can be followed are as follows.

The centenarians don't do gyms or other sports that are carried out in a structured manner. The lifestyle they live in is to move every day like grazing goats in the mountains, or caring for gardens. They move naturally in the home area and don't do gyms.

Stress does have a fairly dangerous effect. Stress conditions also have an impact on age. Therefore, it is recommended to be good at managing stress so that it is not burdened by anything.

Many also have sufficient food, namely in the afternoon and stop after approximately 80 percent of the stomach is filled. This condition has an impact on stable weight and the body remains healthy.

That's information related to the centenarian. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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