JAKARTA - What will happen if you see terrible and strange events such as the disappearance of a body? That's what Naya (Yasamin Jasem) and Raka (Fadi Alaydrus) face, when their father's body suddenly mysteriously disappears. Naya and Raka just experienced shock after their father died with horror.

The story will be presented in the latest horror film produced by Starvision and Focuslight, Kultus Devil.

The film Kultus Devil was directed by Bobby Prasetyo, with story ideas by Ilya Aktop, screenwriter Ilya Aktop and Ami Murti, produced by Chand Parwez Servia, Fiaz Servia, and Rio Indrawan. The film Kultus Devil will air on the Indonesian cinema network starting November 2, 2023.

The film Kultus Devil stars Yasamin Jasem, Fadi Alaydrus, Debo Andryos, Rukman Rosadi, Agung Aryani, Yayu Unru, Mian Tiara, Delia Husein, Emil Kusumo, M Kadavi, Viki Maintrova, and others.

The author of the scenario and story idea of Kultus Devil, Ilya Aktop, revealed that the idea of the film's story was inspired when she visited a village in East Java. In the village, Ilya found that ancient traditions smelled mystical.

"The idea of the story of Kultus The devil was initially inspired when I visited a village in East Java which is still very thick with ancient traditions and smells mystical. There are many elements of stories in this film that have also explored odd things that have recently gone viral on the news,"

"This is not a generic horror film, but a horror adventure, the audience will be invited to join the dangerous and tense journey of Naya and Raka from start to finish," said Ilya.

Meanwhile, director Bobby Prasetyo added that since he first heard the idea of the Devil Kultus story from Ilya Aktop, he was very interested. He believes the idea can be translated into unique and different horror.

"Since we first heard the story idea, I knew it would be a unique and different horror film. Because we often explore various forms of demons outside of humans but forget that humans can be trapped and transformed into the Devils themselves," said Bobby.

"It is quite challenging to find a pair of actors and actresses who must play a convincing role as twins Yasamin Jasem and Fadi Alaydrus are the most appropriate choices to play the two main characters in this film," he added.

Kultus Devil lead Yasamin Jasem said this film poses a new challenge for him to act with extra stamina. He had to do extreme scenes in films and present terror horrors at the same time.

"In the film Kultus Devil, I prepare everything extra Stamina and emotions really have to be maintained during production. Hopefully when the film airs, it will provide entertainment as well as horror that feels real for Indonesian audiences," said Yasamin Jasem.

Meanwhile, producer Chand Parwez Servia added, with the wealth of Indonesian folklors, there are always many stories that can be explored. Moreover, through the horror genre, new stories can always be explored into works that can be presented to Indonesian audiences.

"Through the Devil's Kultus, we want to give stories that we may often read and hear but are rarely visualized, even though we need to be vigilant when we find signs of the presence of sects in our environment," said Kultus Devil producer Chand Parwez Servia.

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