JAKARTA - Hitting is one of the most debated parenting topics. Although most pediatricians and parenting experts don't recommend beatings. But most parents around the world admit that hitting is a method of disciplining children.

For many parents, hitting is the fastest and most effective way to change children's behavior. Although successful in the short term, research shows that physical punishment has long-term consequences for children.

If you are looking for alternatives other than hitting, here are five ways to discipline your child without using physical punishment.

The goal is not to punish children to submit, but to help them learn to make better choices in the future. But this requires training. If the child behaves poorly, teach him that the consequences are loss of privilege. For example, when the child exceeds the specified screen time limit, take a cellphone, laptop, or turn off the tv so he doesn't have access to it. Make it clear when the privilege can be regained. Usually, 24 hours are long enough to teach the child to learn from his mistakes.

Amy Morin, LCSW, a Psychotherapist, reported by Very Well Mind, Monday, October 23, said that hitting a child due to bad behavior (mainly aggression) caused various messages. The child will wonder why you can beat him, but it's not allowed if he hits his brother.

Putting children in a time-out can be a much better alternative. If done properly, alone time teaches children how to calm down, which is a useful life skills.

However, so that time alone becomes effective, children need to spend a lot of positive time with their parents. So, when he is eliminated from a situation, he will begin to learn to manage himself, express emotions appropriately, and make different choices in the future.

Not only affecting children's mentality, hitting also doesn't teach children how to behave well. Hitting a child while he's in tantrums will not teach him how to calm down when he gets annoyed again.

Children learn a lot from how to solve problems, manage emotions, and compromise. When parents teach this skill, behavior issues can be minimized. Use discipline that aims to teach, not punish.

Selective neglect can actually be more effective than hitting. This doesn't mean you have to ignore it if your child does something harmful or inappropriate. But you can ignore the behavior of seeking attention.

When he tries to get attention withars or complains, don't worry about it. Look in the other direction, pretend you can't hear it and don't respond. Then, when he asks for good or good behavior, return your attention to him. Over time, the child will learn that polite behavior is the best way to meet his needs.

Logistical consequences are the right way to help children who experience certain behavioral problems. The logical consequences are specifically related to these bad behaviors.

For example, if the child doesn't have dinner, don't let him eat snacks before bed. Or if he refuses to take his toy, don't allow him to play with the toy all day long. Linking the consequences directly with behavioral problems helps the child see that his choice has immediate consequences.

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