YOGYAKARTA Mostly, cooking spices are processed so that the taste remains stable while on the shelf. This means, there must be a certain composition that makes it durable and resistant to being stored at a certain temperature. However, when moving to your kitchen, consider how to keep storage fresh longer and does not expire because it is wrong in storing it.

Seasoning or amendments for salads in the form of dressing, must be stored in the refrigerator. The reason is, these spices contain acid cream or dairy products. Even with creamy sauce, jamy, raily jelly, and wasabi, it is also good to store it in a refrigerator with certain temperature settings.

Resistant seasoning is stored on a kitchen rack, with room temperature, or without being put in a refrigerator, including stone mustard, red wine vinegar, tomato sauce. For honey, you don't need to cool it. You see, honey is acidic and moist. This trait does not support survival bacteria so it doesn't matter if stored at room temperature.

Every spice, there is a shelf life. You have to check the expiration date. In addition, it is also important to read the storage instructions on the packaging. Well, because each kitchen has a different storage system, then the most appropriate place to store it properly. Like setting the temperature to stay cool, not exposed to sun lagnsung, dark and dry areas. Besides, it is also important to keep spices away from stoves, ovens, dishguides, water heaters, clothes dryers, and hot pipes.

After the spices are purchased, you will use them. When you first open the packaging and use it to enrich the taste of the dish, take note of that date. For example, attach a sticker that says the packaging date is opened.

Damaged seasonings, usually change color, aroma, and are overgrown with mushrooms. Even though the spices are of good quality, the wrong thing to store it will damage the quality. For that, check first before wearing them. If it's stale, don't use it again.

Those are tips for storing kitchen spices according to their type. If you store dry spices, it may be long-lasting relative. But most precisely, check first before using them and make sure the place to store that is caught in the cool and not damp area.

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