JAKARTA - Celebrating Valentine's Day with your beloved partner in a location far from where you live is certainly exciting and very memorable. Especially if you can celebrate in Europe.

Yes, the Blue Continent is famous for having many famous tourist destinations. A number of cities in Europe are known as romantic cities, apart from Paris, which are the most popular destinations for tourists. Not only because of its nature, yes, romantic cities are also seen from the existence of shopping places to memorable candlelight dinners.

Summarized from Euronews, here are six romantic cities in Europe:

Verona, Italy

Verona. (Alessandro Carrarini/Unsplash)

It's no coincidence that Verona is the location for Shakespeare's famous love story of Romeo and Juliet. The natural beauty and architecture of this city in Italy, presents a memorable romantic feel.

Only an hour from the bustling canals of Venice, lovers can enjoy Verona in all its splendor. Explore the scenic cobbled Piazza Bra, home to international concerts and historical exhibitions, or admire the sun-lined Ponte Pietra across the river Adige.

Here, you can show your affection by taking your partner shopping in the famous retail area, Via Mazzini, where a number of well-known boutiques and fashion houses are here, from Armani, Trussardi to Furla.

The city even has its own Festival of Love, which peak is celebrated every February 14th. Isn't it suitable for Valentine's Day?

Prague, Czech

Prague. (JESHOOTS.COM/Unsplash)

Prague may be famous for its cheap beer and dos, but don't let that mask their amorous side.

Stunning as a picture postcard, the city has no less than 100 church towers making it a romantic getaway for those who love architecture. The Czech capital is an eclectic mix of Art Nouveau, Baroque, Gothic, and Renaissance styles.

Walking hand in hand through ancient streets over ornate bridges and through cute squares, it is akin to a fairy tale for lovers. And don't forget to pack your keys so you can head to the famous Lovers' Bridge. It is a small but special place, where hundreds of couples attach padlocks with messages as a sign of their eternal affection for one another.

To ease the strain on your legs after a walk, why not feel like princes and princesses in real life as you are ushered around the narrow streets of Prague's charming Old Town in an elegant horse-drawn carriage?

Vienna, Austria

Vienna. (Daniel Plan/Unsplash)

A mix of beautiful Viennese streets, grand architecture, hotels, and a peaceful atmosphere, makes it an ideal destination for couples.

Need to be convinced? If you've ever watched the movie Before Sunrise, you must have already known that this is one of the most romantic cities in Europe. Like the characters in the movies, it doesn't take long for you to fall in love with your partner again. Choose from the many rooftop bars dotted around the city, where you can enjoy spectacular views of the sky while sipping a refreshing cocktail.

Make the dinner special with a romantic candlelight dinner in one of the oldest Ferris wheels in the world. You can reach dizzying heights here, dine on a three-course meal complete with wine in your private cabin for 90 minutes.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik. (Morgan/Unsplash)

Croatia is carving its name in Europe as one of the top spots for couples looking for romance. And it is Dubrovnik you should head for first, as it has been dubbed the 'Pearl of the Adriatic Sea'.

Imagine winding streets, medieval architecture, and orange sunsets over the sparkling sea. For one of the best locations, take the cable car to the top of Mount Srđ which soars 1,352 feet as part of the Dinaric Alps.

Watch the sunset, and watch the sky light up with bursts of red, pink, and purple before descending. Seriously, what could be more romantic than watching the sunset with a lover?

And don't forget to capture the moment for all those important Instagram posts. If you crave some time alone, leave the crowd by taking yourself and your loved one on a private boat trip to the Elaphiti Islands for a truly serene experience.

Venice, Italy

Venice. (Danijel Durkovic/Unsplash)

This city is almost certainly not to be missed from the list of romantic cities in Europe, even the world. Because here you and your partner can enjoy the time while riding a gondola along the canals and water.

You can choose to see Venice from the point of view of one of the world's most famous lotharios, Casanova, by heading to the Rialto Bridge, where she meets her lover. The best time to head to this majestic bridge is, as the sun sets just in time to witness the lights of the Grand Canal.

This medieval waterfront trading town makes for an ideal place to get lost in the maze of alleys and overpasses. And there are plenty of cool piazzas where you can enjoy a meal or enjoy a spritzer or two to freshen up. If you want to leave the crowds behind, go and explore some of the islands in Venice that have fewer people venturing into them, offering a lot of privacy.

Madrid, Spain

Madrid. (Florian Wehde/Unsplash)

This lively and unpretentious city will entertain two people in love over a weekend in Spain.

The city's laid-back approach when it comes to mealtimes means you can linger over a glass of vermouth at the sidewalk cafe on Plaza de la Paja, before spending the afternoon sharing hot prawn dishes and patatas brava.

To burn off the calories, take a walk around Retiro Park, which spans nearly 350 hectares and is the largest green space in the city. Those who prefer to be closer to the water can rent a rowboat for a romantic cruise on the Estanque del Retiro, an artificial lake by the park.

For the perfect end of the day, consider a night visiting the Royal Palace to Las Vistillas and watching the moon rise over the Guadarram mountains.

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