JAKARTA - Maudy Ayunda was presented as a speaker at the Ideafest 2023 performance and discussed matters relating to the importance of protecting the environment such as the use of public transportation. On this occasion, Maudy Ayunda tried to share tips on living sustainable life in a way.

Maudy described 3 things she did in carrying out this sustainable life. First, it will foster curiosity which will always make her curious about the problems that occur outside and it is important to fight for.

"So if I start doing three things. One, I want to have a crime and that's important. We have to know and always want to know what the problem is out there. And that it's important for us to fight for," continued Maudy.

Second, the owner of the real name Ayunda Faza Maudya said that he must have self-awareness from lifestyle to soft skills owned by everyone. This is aimed at choosing public transportation or sustainable fashion.

"Then the second is our role, we have to have self awareness roughly from our lifestyle or from our soft skills, which one is actually for us to do, which is easy first. Maybe this is related to the public election for transportation. I have also changed electric vehicles," he continued.

"Or more, one of them is sustainable fashion first. Sustainable fashion is also not wearing this recycled shirt, but when we shop, we think about it in the long term. So it's not fast fashion but buying which we think can be used for the next 5 years," he continued.

Then the last is the form of action taken. It is better if young people for Maudy Ayunda have the idea of changing their lifestyle to protect the environment, one of which is carrying their own shopping bags so they don't have to use plastic.

"Then the third buy to action I think this is so important. If young people already have sense, I try to carry a totebag with no plastic or anything just starting. Because it's about lifestyle. Initially, it was really difficult for me, really like every wholesale shopping or what the bag (shopping) had to be ready. at first it was complicated but it took me a long time to use it by the system. So it's like in a car in every big bag I have a bag, so the consensus is easy to execute," he said.

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