JAKARTA - One of the personnel of Trio Bajaj, Isa Wahyu Prastantyo alias Isa Bajaj, shared the sad news from his family. Isa said that his mother had died today, Tuesday, September 19.

This sad news was shared directly by Isa through uploads on his Instagram social media account. In the caption he uploaded, Isa wrote about his fear regarding being abandoned by his mother forever.

"The day I was afraid it would finally happen, I was left by my mother for good," wrote Isa Bajaj, quoted by VOI.id via Instagram Isa Bajaj, Tuesday, September 19.

Furthermore, this 41-year-old man admitted that he could not express the feelings he was currently feeling. Now he can only continue to pray for his mother who has passed away.

"Isa can't write a long poem, the writing is bad, but God willing, I will never stop praying for your name. Goodbye, ma'am," continued Isa Bajaj.

Seeing this, many of Isa Bajaj's friends expressed their condolences for his mother's departure.

"Be strong, bro. Allah has prepared the best place for mothers," said Aden Bajaj

"My condolences, mas, may His best and most beautiful side be placed," said Rifky Balwel

"My condolences bro.. Al Fatihah.. I hope mother husnul khotimah," continued Iwa K.

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