JAKARTA - The name Fredy Pratama is currently being discussed by netizens because the case related to drug kingpins allegedly led by him has not yielded results. However, after being investigated more deeply, many people were involved in this case and were considered to have enjoyed Fredy's money from drugs.

One of the people who were dragged along was a celebgram from Makassar, Nur Utami who was named a suspect in the crime of money laundering (TPPU). This is because Nur Utami enjoys the proceeds of drug crimes committed by her husband, Saru.

Saru herself is suspected of helping Fredy to control drugs in the South Sulawesi region. Here are the latest facts about the figure of Nur Utami

1. Determination of Suspect and Detention

Nur Utama was named a suspect and has been detained at the Bareskrim Polri Detention Center (Rutan). This was conveyed by the Deputy Director of Drug Crimes (Wadirtipidnarkoba) Bareskrim Polri Kombes Jayadi who said that Nur was arrested on Saturday, September 16.

2. Arrested While Returning Home

Based on information from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Nur Utami was caught when she had just returned from performing Umrah. Previously, Nur Utami was known to have communicated with Saru until she was finally named a suspect.

3. Luxury Goods From Selling Drugs

In this case, Nur Utami's name had to be dragged into the flow of drug cases because she enjoyed the proceeds from selling drugs by her husband. Even Nur even bought luxury goods using the money which was revealed by the Criminal Investigation Police on Monday, September 18.

4. Confiscated items

To support this case, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has confiscated several pieces of evidence owned by Nur Utama, including a car to a luxury bag, besides that there are also assets in the form of land and buildings so that they have total assets of up to Rp 7 billion.

5. Saru Is Still A Fugitive

Nur Utami's husband, Saru, is known to have played a role as controlling the circulation and sale of narcotics in South Sulawesi. However, until now Saru is still a fugitive from the Bareskrim Polri investigation team as well as Fredy Pratama who is suspected of being the mastermind behind this case.

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