5 Tips For Reducing Sexual Relations During And After Menopaus
Illustration (Karolina Grabowska/Pexels)

JAKARTA - During menopause, your body loses estrogen, a hormone that helps keep vaginal tissue healthy, said Mary Jane Minkin, MD, a clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecologists, and reproduction at the Yale University School of Medicine, in New Haven, Connecticut. When estrogen levels decrease, you can also experience vaginal dryness, which can cause pain when having sex.

Drought and pain in the vagina or burning during penetration often occur long after menopause.

"Although a woman may experience an improving hot flash, vaginal dryness tends to worsen over the years after," said Dr. Minkin was adapted from Early Health, Thursday, September 7.

If not treated, this problem can get worse so that some women stop having sex because it is too dry and uncomfortable to enjoy. The good news is, there are several things you can do to increase vaginal lubrication, reduce pain, and make sex feel good again. Here are five options to try out.

Minkin's advice, polycarbophil gel, which can be obtained without a prescription, is a drug that can be tried. This product works mainly by adding water to the tissue membrane, he said. And because it is used twice or three times a week, you don't have to use it every time you have sex.

Gelnya bisa dilebuhkan dengan aplicatator ke dalam vagina. Anda juga bisa menggalakan beberapa pelembab vagina secara eksternal. Labia juga bisa menjadi kering, jelas Minkin, sehingga membuat hubungan antara menjadi tidak nyaman.

"Sex relationships can be better if you combine polycarbophiles with lubricants during sex," Minkin said.

There are many lubricants available on the market and need trial and error before finding the right lubricant.

Many products contain fragrances that can irritate sensitive vaginal and vulva tissues. In addition, if you use condoms to stay protected from sexually transmitted infections, know that oil-based lubricants can lower latex so that in this case, choose a lubricant made from water or silicon.

The more foreplay the better, either before or after menopause, because this makes the [vagina] network better. Likewise, it can also help change your definition of sex. If sexual intercourse hurts due to drought, you may find that oral sex is more fun and allows you to keep having sex with your partner.

Try using a vibrator. Anything that can increase the flow of pelvic blood will increase moisture in the vagina. There are many models and functions of vibrators in the market, ranging from basic models with several different intensities to models with various speeds, patterns, and additional features.

For some women, all it takes to get rid of drought is a good vaginal moisturizer and some lifestyle changes. Others may require a prescription. If you experience this, talk to your doctor about vaginal estrogen.

"Almost everyone can use vaginal estrogen and this is safe," Minkin said.

The vaginal estrogen works by increasing tissue moisture through supositoria, rings, or vaginal creams.

Finally, anospemifene tablet is a non-hormonal prescription drug once a day that overcomes vaginal dryness and pain during sexual intercourse due to menopause by increasing certain cells (and lowering other cells) in the vaginal tissue.

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