JAKARTA - Comedian Babe Cabita was sentenced to a rare disease called Anemia Aplastic. Now Babe admits that he relies on therapy and medicines.

This was conveyed by Babe Cabita's wife, Zulfati Indraloka, who said that currently Babe is taking drugs for her autoimmune problems.

"I want to check whether it fits or not there is a plan, but now it's only enough for the hemotology medicine for the autoimmune. The blood is good incharge," explained Zulfati in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday, September 4.

"It's normal, it's normal, but with the help of drugs," Babe continued.

While taking medicine, Babe is also undergoing therapy for her illness. The good news is, if things improve, the medicine can be reduced over time.

"The doctor said that this is still therapy, yes, when the results are seen, if it's good, I'll take it 3 times a day (drinking medicine), later every three months I'll go to the doctor if for example it's good so twice a day, if it's good, it's reduced again once a day," explained Babe.

"So there is a possibility of taking off drugs if there is a good response in his body," continued Zulfati.

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