JAKARTA - Comedian Babe Cabita brings news of lack of wearing about her health. The father of two has a fairly rare disease in Indonesia, Anemia Aplastic.

On one occasion, Babe Cabita told of the origin of the disease being detected. Starting from being sentenced to dengue fever (DHF).

"Positive for dengue fever, after that, ideally it was only for a few moments with fever. Now, the fever is going down and down," said Babe Cabita in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday, September 4.

"That's why the doctor is suspicious that the only dengue fever that goes down is platelets if I all go down. The white blood leukocytes drop to zero, the HB 6 continues to be a platelet of 12 thousand," he said.

Because his condition did not match the dengue fever, Babe finally underwent a follow-up examination. During this examination, Babe had to have a spinal cord taken.

"Finally checked, the spinal cord was taken. The needle was quite large. So before the needle was injected again, it was taken by my spinal cord (to be tested)," he explained.

After undergoing several tests, the doctor finally sentenced this 34-year-old man with a rare disease called Aplastic Anemia.

"From there it is known that it turns out that the disease is not dengue but an anemia that is critical of a disease that is quite rare," he added.

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