YOGYAKARTA - Acupunturous lasers are therapeutic tools that have emerged thanks to technological developments. However, there are still many who do not know what an acupuncture laser is. If in the past acupuncture therapy was carried out using needles that were inserted into the body's skin, now it can be done through lasers.

Acupuntur laser menjadi salah satu modalitas sebagai opsi untuk membantu mengatasi berbagai masalah kesehatan menggunakan metode terpirasi tanpa pinjam. Kini acupuntur laser sudah banyak digunakan dan digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai keluhan penyakit.

As the name implies, acupunturous lasers are a tool for acupunturous therapy by using a laser beam. This tool comes as a substitute for the needle used to stimulate the acupuncture point.

Acupunturous lasers were first used in 1970 to treat asthma and hypertension patients. Currently, the use of acupuntur lasers in the medical world is increasingly widespread in various fields, ranging from treating cancer pain, musculoskeletal pain, acute and chronic pain, repairing damaged body tissues, accelerating wound healing and postoperative recovery, and others.

Acupunturous lasers also affect brain work in maintaining the work balance of hormonal systems and endurance. So acupunturous lasers can be applied more widely to healing methods in almost all diseases, both as single therapy and as a support for other therapies.

Acupunturous lasers work by utilizing low-intensity nonthermal laser beams to stimulate acupunturous points in the body. The use of acupunturous lasers is carried out with certain dose energies for disease prevention and treatment. This therapeutic method can be applied to children to the elderly.

One of the advantages of an acupunturous laser and being a difference from the usual acupuncture is the absence of needle stabbing into the skin. So this therapeutic method does not cause pain for patients, and there is no risk of bleeding in the area that is stabbed by a needle.

Acupunturous lasers also have a photobiomodulation effect or the ability to stimulate cells in areas exposed to beam exposure. These stimulations or stimuli can increase antioxidants and trigger cell division so that cell regeneration occurs. The process will work to improve the ability in wound healing and soft tissue, relieve acute and chronic pain, to reduce inflammation.

Success in therapy using an acupunturous laser is determined from two factors. First, the acupunturous laser parameters used include laser types, laser power output, frequency, and the right laser dose energy. Second, individual diversity factors such as patient health, skin thickness, skin pigment color, and acupuntur point location.

Although acupunturous lasers provide many benefits or advantages, behind that this therapeutic method also has a number of side effects. Based on a number of studies, there are several side effects that can be caused by acupuntur laser therapy, such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Usually these symptoms will disappear by themselves within 24 hours.

There are several conditions that need to be considered when using acupunturous laser therapy, namely in pregnant women, children aged 2 years, patients with severe heart disease, and so on. In this condition there are points or areas of acupuncture that are not recommended for stimulation.

Demikianlah pengusipan apa itu laser acupuntur dan sejumlah manfaat serta efek sampingnya. Metode tersebaban ini semakin banyak diterapkan untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah kesehatan atau penyakit. Telapan acupuntur ini cocok bagi Anda yang tidak nyaman atau rentan pada pertik pinjak seperti ketika menjalani acupuntur biasa.

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