Depression Hits New Workplace? Here's To Overcome It
Illustration (Ron Lach/Pexels)

JAKARTA - When you start working in a new place and the situation doesn't go as you wish, the idea of resigning must have crossed your mind for a moment, especially if you are easily depressed. Having a mentality prone to depression can complicate the adjustment period. Although this is a ninja path, it is best to try to survive and find ways to overcome this uncomfortable situation.

Quoted from the Psych Central page, Wednesday, August 23, here are some tips to help you overcome depression when you start a new job.

One of the first things that can be considered is the consultation of symptoms experienced with a doctor or mental health expert. They may recommend additional therapy or suggest changes to the drugs currently consumed.

A study in 2020 showed that depression drugs need to be personalized because the way they work is not the same for all problems. If you feel ordinary antidepressants are less effective, doctors will help find drugs or doses that can work optimally.

Asking for help is the right mining strategy for you. If you experience difficulties or questions about job desks, ask colleagues to help explain to you. If you are worried about corporate culture, discussions with human resources can also help.

In addition, ask for support from family or friends. Who knows there is anything they can do to help reduce stress levels or overcome your depression regarding starting a new job.

Exercise can be the best way to improve your overall health including reducing stress. If you feel depression is deteriorating when you start a new job, you may find that walking at lunch or setting aside exercise time can help you feel better.

When you start a new job, you will also meet new people for sure. To make it easy to get along, invite some colleagues to have lunch together or chat casually while resting can help you be more comfortable at work.

As much as possible try to sleep eight to nine hours a day. Sleep is enough to maximize your physical and mental health so that you feel better and active during the day.

If you can, try listening to music while working. Research in 2017 shows that listening to music can help improve mood. If you can't listen at work, try listening on the way to and from work or at rest.

If you find it difficult to adapt to a new role to experience depression, you can try several different approaches to help overcome them. This can include adjusting therapy, listening to music, and exercise.

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