JAKARTA - Mario Teguh's polemic with a beauty product entrepreneur named Sunyoto has not yet ended. Both are known to make each other's reports because they feel they are victims.

When visiting Polda Metro Jaya on Friday, August 11 to undergo an examination of the report he made, Mario Teguh, expressed rebuttal to many things that were stated by Sunyoto.

Mario Teguh's attorney, Willy Lesmana Putra, told the media crew that Sunyoto had committed fraud against his client. The entrepreneur is considered not to pay the money according to the agreement.

"It's not paid in full, not to Mr Mario, but to Mrs. Lina. According to the agreement of Rp 5 billion, what has just been paid is Rp 1.6 billion. That's one of the points of fraud," said Willy Lesmana Putra.

The attorney also stated that his client had carried out all obligations in the agreement. He denied Sunyoto's statement which previously stated that Mario Teguh was negligent about his obligations.

"Yes, it's already working. If you work, there must be achievements that must be accepted," said Willy.

Then, Willy said that his client had a bad experience after working with Sunyoto. Instead of being paid according to the agreement, Mario's contract was terminated unilaterally.

"Well, this work has been running suddenly it was decided unilaterally," said Willy.

One of the points of the letter that decided unilaterally was due to a criminal report at a police station in Jabodetabek. That's one of the points," he continued.

Not quite there, Mario Teguh himself also denied other issues called Sunyoto, who once said that he asked first class flight facilities to tour promoting skincare.

"Bohong, ada bukti-bukti yang menyatakan yang ingin pergi pergi pertama class Eropia adalah papi itu (Sunyoto). Ada buktinya," ucap Mario Teguh.

Mario Teguh also denied several other accusations. Mario said, he once asked to be dispatched to nine countries with the aim of promotion. Instead, he accused Sunyoto of wanting this.

"The one who asked for nine countries of the mother (Sunyoto's wife). Not from my wife. Those who want to do big advertisements with 30 foreigners, yes, the mother. There is evidence," concluded Mario Teguh.

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