Yoga is an important activity that can support the health of the body, one of which is yoga. Yoga is a sport he chooses as a long-term health investment in the future.

Although it seems relaxed, there are several things that need to be considered when doing yoga according to yoga instructor Hendri Take. Hendri said the sport he had been in for 17 years was an interesting and fun sport for him.

"From gender, from age, anyone can do yoga," said Hendri.

yoga tends to be flexible because it can be followed by all groups with all ages. However, Henry still suggests doing yoga activities with a guide from yoga instructors to avoid injury or errors in yoga movements.

First, before starting yoga, wear comfortable clothes. Try to use a t-shirt that can absorb sweat and elastic pants to make it more flexible in doing yoga movements.

Don't forget to prepare a special yoga tool, such as yoga mattresses and adequate water. yoga mats are a base made of PVC or TPE and flexible texture.

"Third, set the time to drink water. Along with yoga, we are not recommended to drink. In the middle of yoga, you can drink, but not too much," said Hendri, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, August 10.

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Drinking water can help restore lost water in the body. However, try to drink it after the yoga session ends or in the middle of yoga, but with sufficient amount. This is done so that the body is 'hot' because warming up from yoga activities is not surprising and cools before time.

Finally, before doing yoga, avoid eating heavy food two hours before doing so. This is done so that the stomach is not too full, so that the body is more flexible in doing yoga movements.

After the preparations are complete, do yoga regularly. Try to do yoga at least 3 - 4 times a week so that the body is not too stiff and more flexible.

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