5 Benefits Of Positive Affirmation According To Science To Know
Illustration of positive affirmation benefits for mental health according to science (Freepic/coconie_studio)

YOGYAKARTA Often no one can calm except for your own efforts. It may sound strange or awkward when you tell yourself how great you are today. But this is an effective way of providing positive affirmations and the benefits cannot be underestimated for mental health. Positive affirmations are the positive expressions or statements used to challenge negative thoughts. These positive statements are repetitive phrases to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in life, increase self-esteem, and specifically the following are the benefits of positive affirmation.

Evidence according to MRI data shows that daily positive affirmation will increase certain neural pathways. Positive affirmation asserts itself and can better assess which information threatens, responds relevantly, and assesses itself as valuable.

There are so many ways to manage stress, one of which is with positive affirmation. Positive affirmation is a form of self-assure, which according to research in 2015 published in the Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin Vol. 41 (I) 3-18, helps remind yourself of what information is outside of oneself that needs to be addressed. With positive affirmation, one can reduce pressure over threats by placing it in a broader context.

Research has tested whether self-affirmation can increase physical activity involving eights of young people as participants. Within one week of affirmation, participants reported more significant physical activity and were more positive towards physical activity. They also have higher intentions to be physically active than participants who did not confirm themselves.

Changing bad habits

Positive affirmations are also like self-talk positives, which affect the way we view certain events. If you often underestimate a healthy lifestyle and ignore eating habits, then it's time to start expressing daily positive affirmations. The reason is, according to research reported by Positive Psychology, Thursday, August 3, responding positively to better things will get good results too. Like the recommendation to eat vegetables and fruit that you often ignore, it can be a positive reminder to be selective in choosing to eat health.

Improving academic achievements

In addition to eliminating stress, not defensively against certain situations, positive affirmations are also associated with increased academic achievements. In a 2017 study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, it is important to express positive affirmation that people who use positive affirmations effectively have an open mindset to be taught and corrected. Therefore, children who have low grades, it is important to express positive affirmation so that listening skills increase along with increasing learning motivation.

Positive affirmations, for example I love myself more today or I let go of all things that I can't control' and other expressions that make you more relaxed, think openly, and make you more motivated.

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