JAKARTA - The lovers of Tissa Biani and Dul Jaelani are just getting stickier. Tissa did not deny that her lover's support was also an injection of the mood for Tissa. Dul was present when Tissa decided to release a single.

According to him, this is a blessing. "Just when I got the song, I haven't invented the song with Sul. Now, when I made the video clip, it was already happening, thank God if the audience liked our chemistry in the video clip. The first time I heard the song, Dul said it was fun, he said thank God. He likes it, my family likes it, and My friends are also full support for this song, "he explained.

Dul's involvement as the video clip moidel is a form of real support for Tissa. Dul was chosen by Tissa and Sandy in order to provide comfort for filming.

"Dul himself already had a single first, that's why I wanted to take him to shoot the video clip. Yes, we just want to have fun with a girlfriend, the chemistry is easier to get. In the video clip there are lots of romantic scenes. Maybe with other people. "It takes time to build chemistry, if you and your boyfriend are quick to shoot. The director is good at managing it," he said.

Tissa Biani (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Not only in Tissa's song, they are now preparing a song together. "He has already written a song called Wine of Love. The lyrics are already there. But the process is not yet. The two of them compiled the lyrics," he explained.

He said that dreams and love are difficult to go hand in hand, in fact Tissa Biani and Dul Jaelani rejected this. Dul Jaelani made Tissa Biani more motivated to create new works. "Hopefully the songs I wrote can be released," he concluded.

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