JAKARTA - The love story of Marcellino Lefrandt and Violenziamen must run aground in the middle of the road. The two separated because they felt there was a difference in vision and mission that could no longer be united.

Not wanting any wild issues to decorate his separation from Violenzia totaling, Marcellino Lefrandt admitted that he had agreed to part well.

"Yes, both of us have spoken well and we are not together anymore, because our vision and mission in the future can't be put together anymore," said Marcellino Lefrandt in Barito, South Jakarta on Saturday, July 8.

Marcellino admitted that he had been in contact with Violenzia for two months and was strained until finally officially separated. However, he is still communicating with his ex.

"Yesterday we were busy because of work, but both of us are still communicating. Why did we break up well, yes because we are still communicating with each other. Stay fine even though it's not the same as it used to be," he said.

Despite maintaining good communication, Marcellino sees no hope of returning to a relationship with Violenzia. He felt the decision taken had been made carefully.

"Go back again, I don't think so. I don't know what to say. Yes, we have decided, so it's impossible to break up and come back again. We are no longer teenagers who break up and continue to come back, we are adults," said Marcellino.

The 48-year-old actor also said his children already knew that he had separated from Violenzia. He also explained to his children that the difference in vision and mission made him have to separate before taking a more serious level.

Claiming it was not easy to part ways with Violenzia totaling, Marcellino Lefrandt currently chooses to refocus on raising his children.

"It's definitely going up and down (after breaking up). But life goes on, the important thing is children," concluded Marcellino Lefrandt.

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