JAKARTA - The government's COVID-19 vaccination program is interesting to watch. Apart from the President and influencers, regional leaders are also the center of the news. One of them is the clothes worn by the Sragen Regent, Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati when vaccinated.

As a woman wearing a hijab, vaccination is usually carried out in a cubicle so that it is comfortable when opening the arm for the injection. However, Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati did not do that. She designed a special shirt with a zipper on the sleeve so that she didn't have to take off her shirt when she was injected with the vaccine.

The creative idea from the Sragen Regent was uploaded by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo through his personal Twitter account. "This is the dress model of Mrs. Yuni, the Regent of Sragen, for the ladies who are going to be vaccinated, it has a window you know. Do you want to make clothes like this? The Regent of Sragen is vaccinated. Through clothes?" wrote Ganjar on his Twitter account @ganjarpranowo.

Of course, this upload was immediately flooded with positive comments from netizens. "Great 'mam, solutive & innovative," said the account @octavianikey.

"Immediately fast response sir ... Open PO clothes for vaccines ..." said the Twitter user @NGObrolinkoPI.

"Good idea for the ladies ... Creative to business ..." replied the account @franky_wau.

In the first vaccine process, the clothes Raffi Ahmad was wearing were also viral. Raffi wore a shirt with bright colors which was the result of KALA Studio's production.

KALA Studio has an exclusive daily wear collection, which emphasizes quality and comfort. One of the hallmarks of KALA Studio is the collection of patterned everyday shirts which are also the favorite shirts of Indonesian celebrities, one of which is Nagita Slavina. The bright colors on Raffi's clothes during the COVID-19 vaccination meant a young spirit to be active and creative.

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