YOGYAKARTA When the temperature is down, maybe the cat feels cold. But for anabul lovers, it's important to know how and when favorite cats need a warm room.

According to veterinarians, ensuring how many degrees the cat feels cold, it turns out to be more complicated than you might think. Michael Arpino, DVM., at the Veterinary Wellness Center of Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, New York, says that most cats handle cold temperatures very well. Cats who are used to spending time outside the home know very well when it's time to come back and look for warmth in the house. But still, you shouldn't leave outdoor cats in cold weather overnight. Especially if the temperature decreases extremally, it is necessary to provide warmth for anabul.

Not only outdoor cats, indoor cats can also get cold. One of the signs is that the cat is sleeping in a circle. Well, to provide a comfortable place, provide a place for a sleeping cat such as an open box with a blanket in it.

"As a general rule, anything under 45 degrees Fahrenheit is too cold. If temperatures drop below freezing, they are at high risk of developing hypothermia if they are outside for a long time," said Arpino.

Cat hair also determines how much degree they feel cold. If cats don't have hair, like the Sphinx cat, they shouldn't be outside in colder weather. Obviously Arpino, if you finish shaving the cat's hair or cutting it in care procedures, usually you need a monitor even when in the room. Fat cats can most likely cope with the cold better, but they will also move slower so that they are exposed to other dangers.

Like humans, cats also experience hypothermia. Especially experienced by cats who suffer from endocrine diseases, such as hyperthyroidism. Those with these conditions should not go out in cold weather because they are usually cold. In addition, cats with any disease, including kidneys, cancer, heart disease, and others, should not be allowed out of the house in any weather.

"If your cat is cold, they may chill, sit in a bent position, and/or look for a warm place," said Zay Satchu, DVM, New York City-based veterinarian.

In addition to curling up, it is important to recognize the signs of your favorite cat being cold. They may be chills, sitting in a bent position, or looking for a warm place. If they are too long anabul in cold temperatures without help and a warm place, they can experience hypothermia. Signs of hypothermia include confusion, difficulty breathing, muscle stiffness, low blood pressure, slow heart rate, training pupils, and in the worst case the cat will fall into a coma.

The normal body temperature of the cat is between 38-39 degrees Celsius. If it's just cold, you can take them into a warm and comfortable room. If the temperature is too cold, up to 7 degrees, wash them with a warm towel and immediately run them to the veterinary hospital for further treatment. It's also important to know, in addition to low temperatures, winter is also dry air. At that time, you need to make sure they drink fresh water.

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