Tenri Anisa underwent an Investigation Report (BAP) at Polda Metro Jaya yesterday, Tuesday, June 6 regarding a report on alleged defamation that she made on May 5.

Adrian Dwiputra as Tenri Anisa's attorney revealed that his client received 10 questions and was questioned for about 3 hours by police investigators. However, he was reluctant to explain the question of what his client got.

"For the examination of our client, Tenri, for material, maybe we can't share here. We trust everything to the Polda Metro Jaya," said Adrian Dwiputra to the media crew after the examination.

Adrian again explained that his client made a report on the violation of the ITE Law. He expressed his gratitude to the police for responding swiftly to Tenri's report.

The attorney said that what was addressed to Tenri had interfered with his activities in pursuing education. Although his client immediately left the Polda Metro Jaya after undergoing an examination, the attorney said the client was still in good and healthy condition.

"If it's disturbed, it's disturbed. In the process, everything gets disrupted, yes, college is a bit disturbed. That's why Tenri also goes home directly because there are still college assignments," said Adrian.

Regarding the evidence that will be submitted, the attorney does not want to reveal it, but he ensures that the available evidence is clear enough.

Meanwhile, for the presence of witnesses, Adrian said he would bring witnesses if the investigators asked him. However, he is not willing to reveal who the witnesses will be.

"Definitely, for sure (there will be witnesses). We can't know (when), we can't tell because everything is in the police investigation process," concluded Adrian Dwiputra, Tenri Anisa's attorney.

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