Unique Habits Raisa During Baths Makes You Always Look Beautiful
Raisa (Instagram @raisa6690)

Raisa Andriana is known as one of the public figures whose beauty is admired by many people. When appearing to the public, especially during a gig, Hamish Daud's wife's visuals were praised by many people.

The 32-year-old singer admitted that she underwent several treatments to maintain her appearance. However, there is one unique thing that is recognized as quite different from other women. Raisa didn't take long to shower.

With the habit of listening to songs while bathing, Raisa admitted that she only spent no more than 5 minutes.

"If I take a shower, I usually prepare a playlist for one song, at least 3 to 4 minutes," said Raisa in the SCBD area, South Jakarta, Monday, May 8.

"I take a shower and really focus on cleaning my body. It's just that I usually prepare song of the day. So if I take a shower, I feel like that," he continued.

Kararna waktu yang dihabiskannya untuk mandi relatif singkat, Raisa mengaku cukup pemilih dalam menggunakan produk seperti sabun dan shampoo. Ia memilih produk yang bagus dan serbahan agar tidak butuh waktu banyak untuk penyerapannya.

Meanwhile, Raisa chose not to linger in the bathroom because she felt that the available time could be used for more useful things. This is still done when he is not working all day or there is a gig schedule.

"Obviously people think that, for example, if you want a show, you have to take a long shower, but you take a shower, something we do twice a day, for example, every long shower doesn't have time. I think instead of taking a bath for a long time, it's better to do something else," concluded Raisa Andriana.

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