YOGYAKARTA Children before teenagers must recognize the outside world positively. However, there are so many things that make them feel safe or comfortable living the process towards independence. This factor cannot be fully controlled. This means, it is necessary to prepare them to be mentally strong.
Positive psychological practitioner and author Erin Dullela, MAPP., CPCC., CPPC., said, over the past decade emotional pressure, especially for teenage girls, has continued to increase. That doesn't mean teenage boys are immune to pressure. But there are certain factors that seem to contribute to influencing girls. Here are five strategies and ways parents help teenage girls grow affection for themselves and make them mentally healthier.
By going through mistakes and failures, it means that we have the opportunity to get a profitable aspect. Like being able to get through difficult times with great softness and understanding, so that it can increase self-resilience. By knowing which one is wrong and how it feels to fail, it has made us human.
Self-compassion has three parts, namely public attention, kindness, and humanity. Part of mindfulness means learning to identify what we feel when we feel it, without overestimating or overidentifying. Instead of keeping the normal human experience a secret in feeling, it's better to express what you feel. By introducing the names of feelings, launches Psychology Today, Monday, May 8, helping your teenage children become more aware and intelligent so that they can respond effectively to certain situations.
You as a parent, of course, also feel the various motives of feelings and emotions. Show your daughter how you want to handle it ideally. According to Dullela, the reason why it is necessary to do this is to show their children that they learn, imitate, and develop better dialogue.
When asking about their needs when it is difficult, also pay attention to your needs. When parents practice it, children will also understand how to better meet their own needs.
There are many books and courses that your teenage child may want to follow. In essence, you can offer a source of knowledge that teaches basic skills.
One step by one you as a parent can help teenage girls learn to love yourself. You also need to be the best friend or ally. Besides being able to give an example of how compassion helps strengthen the process of facing the challenges of life.
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