5 Ways To Whiten A Black Neck With Natural Ingredients, Easy To Apply!
Illustration of whitening a black neck (Photo: Unsplash/Clem Onojeghao)

YOGYAKARTA A black neck can make a person lose confidence. Fortunately, the way to whiten a black neck can be done with natural ingredients. That way, you don't have to go to a beauty clinic to whiten your black neck.

For those of you who are looking for a solution to whiten your black neck, see the following easy tips.

Summarized from various sources, here are how to whiten a black neck with natural ingredients:

Adapted from the Mayo Clinic, one of the causes of black neck is hyperpigmentation in the neck skin. To overcome this, you can apply a mask made of natural ingredients, such as yogurt, turmeric, and lemon.

How to make it quite easy. First, scar turmeric wounds and take lemon juice to be mixed with yogurt and flour. Then stir until it becomes pasta. If so, apply the mask to the neck area. Do this treatment at least 2-3 times a week.

Just so you know, yogurt is a dairy product rich in nutrients. Lactic acid contained in yogurt can be a skin brightening agent.

While lemons rich in vitamin C can reduce pigmentation. Kunyit also contains the ability to brighten the skin. While flour is only a complement to help thicken the mask.

Masks can be applied to all faces, necks, and other problematic areas. Leave it for 30 minutes, then clean it.

How to whiten a black neck can also be with apple juice vinegar. The content of acetate acid in apple juice vinegar can relieve pigmentation.

However, before using it you must pay attention to the amount of apple juice vinegar that must be diluted.

Before being applied to the black neck, dilute two tablespoons of apple juice vinegar with four tablespoons of water. Then apply it to the neck using cotton.

You are not recommended to use apple vinegar for too long. Only 2-3 minutes, then rinse until clean. This treatment can be repeated every day, once or twice a day to whiten your neck.

If you have aloe vera plant, you can use it as a neck bleach mask.

In aloin compounds, natural agents of depigmentation. Pureloe vera gels can be applied to hyperpigmentation areas at night and cleaned in the morning. This method of whitening your neck should be tried and routinely done.

In addition to the four ingredients above, the way to whiten a black neck can also be done with milk. Lactate acid contained in milk can help brighten the skin.

The way to whiten the black neck with milk is to soak the cotton ball into the milk and then apply it to all the affected areas. Let stand for 20-30 and rinse after.

To get maximum results, do this method twice a day for one week.

almond oil contains sclerosant compounds that can improve skin tone. In addition, this oil is also called vitamin E which can smooth and rejuvenate the skin.

Before whitening a black neck with almond oil, you have to clean your neck with soap and water. Next, applause to dry out. After that, then apply some drops of almon oil that have been mixed with 1-2 drops of tea tree oil.

Massage the neck with a rotating motion of 10-15 minutes, after that rinse with warm water.

This is information about how to whiten a black neck with natural ingredients. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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