JAKARTA - The need for fluids in the body can be met by drinking water. The mineral content can also be fulfilled as needed if the size is right.

If you drink too little, you will become dehydrated and your mood will decline. Conversely, too much is not healthy either. So, how many glasses of water a day do you need?

In fact, 60% of the human body is made up of fluids. After doing activities, the fluids in the body will decrease along with the energy burning. So you need to drink water to fill the amount of fluids.

Excess drinking water a day, reported by Healthline, will be fatal. Various studies have found that excess drinking can cause vomiting, nausea, fainting, coma, and death. Although the risk of death is rare, it is necessary to pay attention to the ideal amount of water each person drinks.

Too much drinking can be recognized the signs. First, forcing to drink when not thirsty to meet the 2.5 liters a day rule.

Thirst is a signal that your body releases to tell you that your body needs fluids. During strenuous activity, don't forget to pay attention to these signals.

Second, pay attention to the color of urine. If the color is clear, it means drinking mostly water. Conversely, if the color is cloudy, it means you are not drinking enough.

Furthermore, frequent urination is also a sign of drinking too much water. Although this third sign can also indicate other conditions, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and prostate problems.

Another sign, there is swelling in one part of the body, for example the feet, hands or lips. If you experience headaches, difficulty focusing, muscle weakness, nausea, and vomiting are also the result of drinking too much. At worst, too much drinking that is experienced continuously can damage kidney function.

Of the various risks above, you need to evaluate what you feel in the body. Because of any pain or discomfort, there is almost certainly a cause. Before experiencing severe risks, it's good to pay attention to the amount of water you drink a day.

According to research conducted by Dr. Julian Seifter, kidney specialist and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, the amount of water needed is individual.

If you follow the recommended 8 glasses per day, it is not right because everyone has different activities and needs water intake according to their respective bodies.

The recommendation is to recognize every sign that is felt on the body. Fill in drinking water according to thirst signals and evaluate it whenever the body is in discomfort.

Also pay attention to what is eaten and drunk, because what is consumed will determine the condition of the body, right?

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