JAKARTA - The feud of dr. Richard Lee and Kartika Putri long tails. Initially, dr. Richard often educates the public about skincare products that contain dangerous ingredients. Apparently one of the products mentioned is a product endorsed by Kartika Putri.

Then, Kartika Putri created the content with the owner of the beauty product and discussed about doctor Richard, Karput seemed not to accept that the endorsement product was called dangerous. They had met with the intention of sharing information.

However, Doctor Richard felt trapped at that moment because Karput brought a lawyer at that time. Moreover, Karput also sent two summons.

Not wanting any further problems, Doctor Richard apologized openly and considered the problem resolved. However, Doctor Richard received a summons from the police, meaning that Kartika Putri decided to bring the case to the realm of law.

Through a YouTube upload, Doctor Richard expressed his frustration. "I got an invitation from the police regarding the artist earlier, the artist who is arrogant, that songong. An artist who doesn't know himself. Sorry for those who are fans. I think he really doesn't know himself, is insolent," said Doctor Richard. .

"People have given up, they still don't know themselves, I am amazed. He apologized for a little nothing, I don't bother, you know. This is insolent, really. He looks, we have apologized three times, insolent him. given this lesson, "he continued.

Doctor Richard finally discussed it with his attorney. He wanted to report Kartika back to the police. "I also reported it to the police, and I did not use summons to you. Sorry if I was still emotional, exploding. Because this is like being played with," he said. dr. Richard, who felt cheated, plans to report Kartika back to the authorities.

Many netizens regret the actions taken by the 29-year-old artist. "I support Doctor Richard 100%. It is clear" endorse skincare is fake, instead of self-awareness, this is actually revealing, realizing that there are public figures, there are many followers, many follow and see all their movements, but still the endorse skincare. it is clear "dangerous ?," wrote netizens in the comments column.

The feud between Kartika Putri and dr. Richard Lee pointed out the importance of influencers understanding the products they endorse. It is not only a nominal value that they must be held accountable for, but also a moral accountability to their followers. Influencers have an important role besides 'selling'. They are a beacon to their followers therefore fully understanding the products they represent is imperative.

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